Care Centers Treat, Advise Patients

Navigating a chronic disease, especially a rare one, can be difficult, as there are often many choices that must be made when it comes to treatments, therapy options, medical guidance, education and more. But thanks to funding provided by Community Health Charities of Nebraska (CHC-NE) donors, families can receive crucial support from a care center that specifically works with their condition, giving them access to support in a variety of areas and helping them make decisions.

Equipment Loan Programs Vital for Nebraska Families

Life changes forever for a family who’s been hit with the diagnosis of a chronic health condition. And for some families in Nebraska, that same diagnosis may mean that adaptations and specialized equipment are required moving forward. This equipment can be expensive, and families don’t always have access to insurance or other financial assistance to help offset the costs. Fortunately, several of Community Health Charities of Nebraska’s (CHC-NE) 22 member charities offer equipment loan programs to make sure that families have access to this valuable support.