The Personal Side of CHAD's Mission

Your health is personal. So is our mission: Connecting companies and causes to raise funds for Nebraska's leading health agencies. Three CHAD team members are opening up about their own health challenges—stories of resilience, innovation, and why we’re so passionate about supporting Nebraska’s 23 statewide health agencies. From overcoming obstacles in hearing to managing chronic conditions, these journeys remind us why access to care and community support matter. Read their stories and be inspired: #HealthMatters #CHADNebraska #RealStories

A Legacy of Service to CHAD: Celebrating 37 Years with Priscilla

Priscilla with her husband, Sandy, and son, Max.

At CHAD, our volunteers are the heart and soul of everything we do. They inspire us with their dedication, compassion, and unwavering commitment to our mission. Today, we’re thrilled to celebrate an extraordinary milestone—37 years of service from our longest serving volunteer, Priscilla Henkelmann.

Priscilla was recruited to the board in 1987 by then-CEO Curt Gordon. “I remember first meeting Curt Gordon in my role working for the State of Nebraska in the Office of Community Mental Health, where I was Assistant Director. (I became the director of this office a few years later.) When Curt explained CHAD and the agencies it supported, I was impressed. I also thought the fundraising model was great. I loved the idea that CHAD could assist all these agencies and allocate funds to the agencies based on individual donations plus the aggregate wishes of its donors. I also liked the way that CHAD demanded overall accountability but did not micromanage the agencies it funded.”

In Lincoln, CHAD has a long-standing partnership with the United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County.” After I joined the Lincoln Board, I was involved in the early relationship with United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County. Some board members were skeptical about whether it would benefit CHAD, but Curt had a vision and understanding that proved to be powerfully accurate of the mutual benefit both to CHAD and to United Way.”

Priscilla is always ready to help out and pitch in when needed, serving on numerous committees over the years, including the New Member and Agency Review committees, where her years of experience and knowledge is invaluable. She also has served on the campaign cabinet for the United Way/CHAD Campaign, leading the Professionals and Individuals Division. And she is currently in her second year as the Chair of the CHAD Lincoln Board. “There are a couple of things I am most proud of during my service on the board”; Priscilla says. “The first is the work with Curt Gordon, Michelle Grossman and others to get a Nebraska statute passed that assured access to CHAD in state employee workplace giving campaigns. This law is still on the books, and at one point, the State of Nebraska employee campaign was the largest portion of the United Way/CHAD campaign in Lincoln.”

Priscilla’s 37 years of remarkable service have been an inspiration to us all, and we are grateful for the lasting impact she has made on CHAD. “Yes, 37 years is a very long time. It is definitely long enough, and perhaps I should be retired to CHAD Board Member Emeritus status after my current term as chair ends. My husband retired from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln College of Business after 42 years and was named emeritus professor. It is hard to believe that I have been associated with CHAD for almost as long. It has been an honor and a privilege, and I hope I have been able to give as much as I have been given by serving.”

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska renews sponsorship of 12 health agencies across the state.

We are thankful for our ongoing efforts with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBCNE). The collaboration with BCBSNE began in 2020 by introducing the Health of Nebraska sponsorship program. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska consistently seeks to support programs that address social determinants of health and health equity across our great state.

BCBSNE’s 2024 sponsorship continues to support the following CHAD member agencies: ALS Association; Arthritis Foundation; Autism Action Partnership; Epilepsy Foundation; Heart Heroes; National Bleeding Disorders Foundation; National Multiple Sclerosis Society; Nebraska Aids Project; Nebraska Health Care Foundation; Nebraska Hospice and Palliative Care; Nebraska Kidney Association; United Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska.

Read more here:

Fritz and Kathy Anderson Named Central West Nebraska CHAD Co-Chairs for the 2024 Campaign

We are thrilled to announce Fritz and Kathy Anderson as the Co-Chairs for the 2024 Central West Nebraska campaign season.

 As passionate advocates for CHAD's mission and member agencies, Fritz and Kathy bring personal experiences and deep concern for the health and well-being of their community to their leadership roles.

 The Andersons have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that CHAD and its member agencies have on individuals and families. Their dedication stems from their personal journey and the many lives they have seen positively changed through the support and services provided by CHAD’s agencies.

Springing Hope: Unveiling our CGM Foundation Endowment Recipients.

Again this year, we are pleased to be able to grant additional dollars to our member agencies through the proceeds of the CHAD Curt Gordon Memorial Foundation. The Foundation has $28,550.00 to distribute for 2024. We received a record 14 agency applications. To apply, agencies were required to have 100% participation by their employees in their local CHAD or United Way/CHAD Campaign. Agencies were also rated to make sure they were meeting member agency expectations as defined by the membership expectations sheet. Funds were requested for new programs or expansions of existing programs. Programs outside of the Omaha metro area were given higher consideration.

 After Committee Members’ extensive pre-work and the presented overview of each request, the committee decided to award grants to the following nine organizations:

 ● Autism Action Partnership (AAP) - $1,800.00 AAP has been instrumental in offering autism training to first responders across Nebraska since 2018, notably aiding the Omaha Police Department with Project Lifesaver. They aim to extend this training, along with sensory kits, to two additional communities outside Omaha in 2024, targeting places like Columbus, Fremont, and Plattsmouth.

 ● American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Nebraska (AFSP) - $5,000.00 The AFSP and their volunteers have successfully been creating grief kits, which are distributed to those affected by suicide through schools, funeral homes, and counseling centers across Nebraska following suicide incidents. Since 2020, the program has grown and is now offering kits tailored for children, teenagers, and adults. Each kit, reflecting thoughtful branding and age-appropriate contents, plays a crucial role in the grieving process, reaching far communities like Norfolk and Scottsbluff.

  ● Nebraska Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation - $1,000.00 Formerly known as the National Hemophilia Foundation, the organization is holding a retreat in Kearney for adolescents with hemophilia or other blood disorders. The grant proceeds assist with transportation from Lincoln and Omaha, accommodations, and other necessities for at least 10 participants, providing a vital support network and mentorship opportunities along with an infusion clinic to help the young people practice treatment with their medication. 

  ● Heart Heroes, Inc. (HH) - $1800 HH is expanding support events and outreach for south central Nebraska families affected by congenital heart disease (CHD). These events, are vital for the emotional development of children with CHD, and this grant helps to cover expenses like venue, printing, and travel, facilitating an environment for shared experiences and support.

  ● Nebraska Hospice & Palliative Care Association (NHPCA) - $2,500.00 In collaboration with Children's Hospital Omaha, NHPCA is looking to provide pediatric hospice training statewide. Most hospice providers in the state do not currently accept pediatric patients due to lack of training in pediatrics. This initiative ensures that pediatric hospice care is accessible regardless of location, offering crucial training to nurses with the added benefit of continuing education credits. 

 ● Nebraska Kidney Association (NKA) - $3,250.00 Facing an increased demand, the NKA has been awarded a grant to supplement their emergency assistance program for kidney disease patients. With rising economic challenges, the program, which offers financial aid to dialysis patients, has seen a significant growth in applicants, demonstrating a critical need for additional support.

 ● Nebraska AIDS Project (NAP) - $5,000.00 NAP aims to provide holiday food assistance to families affected by HIV in Nebraska, particularly in smaller communities. The initiative, which has seen growing demand since 2020, offers dignity and cultural respect through food gift cards, allowing clients to choose food that fits their cultural celebrations.  NAP is the sole administrator of an insurance plan that their clients utilize to help afford their medications and treatment.  The insurance plan renews in November and December making it critical that they connect with clients during this time of year. The CGMF has supported this through grants since its inception.

 ● Nebraska Health Care Foundation (NHCF) - $5,000.00 NHCF plans to translate the Basic Nursing Assistant Training Manual into Spanish. This translation is vital for expanding access to training materials across the state, particularly in community colleges and healthcare facilities, ensuring inclusivity in healthcare education. Many healthcare facilities are closing their doors due to lack of staff. Translating the training manual would open the door to for many more nursing assistants to enter the work place. 

 ● United Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska (UCP) - $3,000.00 UCP is expanding their Family Focus program to western Nebraska, including Grand Island and Kearney. This expansion aims to connect families dealing with cerebral palsy through activities, increasing awareness and support for their programs and technology tools. Programs would will bring families currently using the tech-tools libraries (which were previously funded by our grants) together.

Warm Thanks from CHAD on a Cold Winter’s Night

As the year comes to a close, and we welcome a new year, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to you for your incredible generosity and support throughout this year. Your unwavering commitment to our causes has made a profound impact, and we are truly humbled by your kindness.

In a world that can often seem chaotic and uncertain, your dedication to CHAD and our agencies has been a beacon of hope. Thanks to your contributions, we've been able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. Whether it's providing vital direct programming, offering educational opportunities for patients and medical communities, or supporting critical medical research, your donations have been instrumental in helping us fulfill our mission to raise funds for Nebraska’s leading health agencies.

It's not just the financial contributions that matter but also the belief you've shown in our work. Your trust in our organization's vision and belief in the positive change we can create has been a driving force behind our success. Your generosity serves as a reminder of the power of collective action and the ability to bring about change, one small act of kindness at a time.

This year, your donations have:

1.      Funded a combined investment of $604,596,413 on medical research to fund new treatment options and ultimately find a cure for chronic health conditions.

2.     Touched 5,000 individual lives through the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Nebraska.

3.    Supported groundbreaking research and made medication available so the life expectancy for those living with Cystic Fibrosis has increased to 53 years old!

4.     Certified over 16,000 individuals in Seizure First Aid Training through an Epilepsy Foundation program.

5.     Provided $3,227,500 in co-pay assistance to 338 Nebraska patients this past fiscal year through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Nebraska.

6.     Served over 500 CHD families through local family support events, the totes of hope (surgery care kits) program, inpatient support, and Camp Brave Heart, all offered by Heart Heroes.

Your contributions, whether large or small, have transformed lives and given hope to those facing chronic illness, disabilities and end-of-life care. See more of our agencies’ outcomes here:

We want you to know that your support doesn't just end with your donations, it inspires us to work harder, reach further, and dream bigger. Your belief in our mission fuels our passion and commitment to making a difference. With your partnership, we're excited to continue our journey, striving for even greater impact in the coming year.

Thank you for being an important part of the CHAD family. We appreciate your sacrifice to help impact the lives of Nebraskans, and wish you all the best in the coming New Year!

Make Giving Tuesday a Happy Day for CHAD Member Agencies Near You!

As the holiday season approaches, it's the perfect time to come together as a community and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us in spreading love, kindness, and generosity.

What is Giving Tuesday, you ask? It's a global movement that falls on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, designed to remind us of the true spirit of the season. It's a day to step back from the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and focus on giving back to the causes and organizations that touch our hearts.

Why Your Contribution Matters:

In the past year, the world has faced unprecedented challenges, and many individuals and communities continue to struggle. The pandemic has amplified the need for support in the lives of the constituents served by our member agencies.

Your contribution can provide essential resources, create lasting impacts, and bring hope to those in need. This Giving Tuesday, you have the power to change lives and help build a brighter future.

How You Can Make a Difference:

There are many ways to get involved and make a meaningful contribution on Giving Tuesday:

  1. Donate: Make a one-time or recurring donation to CHAD or the Curt Gordon Memorial Foundation here.

  2. Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to one of our member agencies through the LiVE initiative.

  3. Spread the Word: Use your voice and social media platforms to raise awareness about CHAD and our member agencies.

This Giving Tuesday, let's come together as a global community to share the gift of kindness and compassion. Together, we can create positive change and inspire hope.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible movement, and for making the world a better place, one act of giving at a time.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska awards CHAD and 20 member agencies the Health of Nebraska Sponsorship

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska began collaborating with CHAD in 2020 by introducing the Health of Nebraska sponsorship program. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska consistently seeks to support programs that address social determinants of health and health equity across our great state. Thanks to their support once again over the last year, several thousands of Nebraskans have been directly and positively impacted by this Sponsorship, and well over $2.5 million has been raised at events supported by this Sponsorship for critical programming, resources and medical research. This year, all 20 member agency applicants were rewarded with at least one Sponsorship! Read more about this year’s awards.

Introducing Our Newest Addition: Heart Heroes

On March 28, 2023 the CHAD State Board unanimously voted to bring on a 24th member agency.  We warmly welcome Heart Heroes. 

“We are so pleased to expand our family with the addition of Heart Heroes,” said Michelle Grossman, President and CEO of CHAD. “Now, donors have even more ways to make an impact all across the state and beyond when they give a gift though CHAD.”

“We are elated to join the CHAD family as a Nebraska-leading health agency partner and are so excited about creating new relationships and growing our services and support in Nebraska,” said Kitty Burton, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Heart Heroes.    

Heart Heroes:

Mission: Provide support to children and families affected by Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) through the distribution of superhero capes, programs to offer hope and awareness initiatives

Vision:  That every child and family affected by Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) feels empowered and supported

Values:  Advocacy, Collaboration, Integrity, Passion

Their website:

These Agencies "Got Lucky" and Received Grants from the CHAD CGMF Foundation!

In 2023, the Curt Gordon Memorial Foundation (CGMF) awarded grants totaling $27,000 to expand or start new projects for seven “lucky” CHAD member agencies! Look below to see how this year’s winners are passing on their good fortune to others in Nebraska:

  • United Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska: $5,215 for increased access to Therapeutic Listening in Kearney, GI, Lincoln

  • Nebraska AIDS Project: $5,000 to update and expand pantry operations/inventory

  • Nebraska Health Care Foundation: $2,600 to simulcast behavioral health training in Lincoln, Kearney, Scottsbluff

  • Nebraska Hospice and Palliative Care Association: $8,375 for hospice nurse certification training for 30 participants

  • Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska: $2,500 for statewide mileage expenses for 5 f/t Resource Facilitators

  • JDRF: $2,800 T1D Connect family movie events in GI, Kearney, and Norfolk

  • Arthritis: $500 to support a juvenile arthritis program – family day for 15 families

One Company and Its Employees Invest in Causes Near and Dear to Their Hearts

This month, we say thank you to Hornady Manufacturing in Grand Island. Their 2022 campaign was an unrivaled success, with donations to our agencies from 254 Hornady employees and a generous corporate gift. There is no doubt that the Hornady team is relentless in raising awareness and empowering Nebraskans facing chronic disease, disabilities, and end-of-life comfort care.  

The CHAD causes most near and dear to the hearts of Hornady employees were Alzheimer’s disease, suicide prevention, arthritis, and pediatric brain tumors.

According to facts and figures provided by CHAD’s member agency, the Alzheimer’s Association,, Alzheimer's cases are projected to grow 14.3% by 2025 and caregivers are already providing over 52,000,000 total hours of unpaid care valued at $905,000,000. Every $100 designated to the Alzheimer's Association by any of our other generous donors provides education and support packets to 20 families that utilize the Alzheimer’s 24/7 helpline. (800) 272-3900

 CHAD’s newest member, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, is fighting the 13th leading cause of death in Nebraska. Every $10 provides 50 Lifesavers Guides and $25 provides Talk Saves Programming & Resources to 50 plus people. For more ways designated dollars help Nebraskans touched by suicide or to find help, go to

 Did you know that approximately 345,000 Nebraskans are living with arthritis and 2,000 of them are children? The support from donors like you will help the Arthritis Foundation with research, medical and financial referrals, camps, and programs for veterans. Every $50 provides a free JA Power Pack to a child with Juvenile Arthritis. This includes a special teddy bear that can be heated or chilled and a resource book for parents. For more information, go to

 Autism Action Partnership’s mission is to improve the quality of life of persons on the autism spectrum and their families through education, advocacy and support, thereby enabling them to be an integral part of the community. Generous support to Autism Action Partnership last year allowed 47 autistic individuals to receive Project Lifesaver bracelets, 50 young adults and 26 employers to be involved in Prosper Workforce Services, and 100 individuals from local businesses to be trained on how to support employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder. For more information go to

 Team Jack is an incredible Nebraska-based organization fighting childhood brain cancer. Dollars invested in Team Jack, through CHAD, go directly to research that will change a child’s life. The depth of resources provided by Team Jack is so extensive and is laid out nicely at One of the most tangible and direct impacts is UNMC and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center’s hiring of pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Afshin Salehi, which was accomplished in part by the $1.5 million investment from the Team Jack Foundation. Funds raised locally in Nebraska are supporting local medical research in Nebraska.

Hornady’s continuous gifts make so much good happen. From hands-on materials, emotional and financial support, to serious medical research. Each dollar goes to put a smile on the face of someone with a frightening diagnosis and give a breath of hope to caregivers. CHAD’s mission is to connect companies and causes for the health of all Nebraskans and Hornady’s generous employees came through in a big way to make that happen.

Thank You For 50 Amazing Years!

As we reflect on the past year and all we have to be thankful for, we take an even larger look back on our 50 years.  It is almost overwhelming - there is so much and so many to thank!


Donors that return year after year to support our overall mission and their favorite Nebraska based health agency.  The companies that allow us in and make us a vital part of their company culture.  The volunteers across the state that help plan and execute campaigns, including door-openers and speakers carrying the message of hope and good health.  Our campaign partners in Omaha, United Way of the Midlands and Lincoln, United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County that work with us to provide a single unified message to the campaign. Our board members across the state who help steer this big ship and hold our feet to the fire.  And our shareholders, our member agencies, who are the beneficiaries off all this hard work.


We need all of you to be successful.  Thank you for making it an amazing 50 years!

AFSP-Nebraska joins CHAD

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Nebraska Chapter’s mission is to save lives and bring hope to Nebraskans affected by suicide. The grassroots work they do focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public about risk factors and warning signs, raising funds for suicide research and programming, and connecting to individuals and families who have lost someone to suicide. Area Director Cindi Horning says, "We are so excited to be joining the CHAD family and sharing the resources available to all Nebraskans. “ AFSP will be instrumental in the rollout of the new national hotline, 988. Starting July 1, anyone facing a mental health crisis can dial 988 to text or talk with a mental health professional.

Epilepsy Foundation Nebraska and Nebraska Health Care Foundation Join CHAD

CHAD is adding two new member charities to its fundraising federation: Epilepsy Foundation Nebraska and Nebraska Health Care Foundation. With this addition, effective July 1, 2021, there are now 23 member charities that provide support for Nebraskans with health or end-of-life issues.

“We are so pleased to extend membership to these two charities doing critical work across Nebraska,” said Michelle Grossman, President and CEO of CHAD. “Now, donors have even more ways to make an impact when they give a gift though CHAD.”

Epilepsy Foundation Nebraska seeks to help Nebraskans overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures and save lives.

“The Epilepsy Foundation is proud to join CHAD and its member organizations in the pursuit to promote engagement and wellness through workplace partnerships,” said Kristi Berst, Executive Director of Community Engagement at Epilepsy Foundation Nebraska. “Anyone can have a seizure, at any time, at any place. This collaborative effort will elevate our impact and further expand our reach to over 19,600 individuals living with epilepsy throughout Nebraska.”

The Nebraska Health Care Foundation works to ensure there are an adequate number of trained professionals to care for residents of the state's nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

“The Nebraska Health Care Foundation is honored to join the CHAD family,” said Heath Boddy, President and CEO of Nebraska Health Care Foundation. “NHCF has long admired CHAD’s work and is truly excited to help share its important message and the needs of its 23 health charities with even more Nebraskans. This new partnership will also be key in NHCF’s efforts to raise awareness and funds in support of those who work and reside in Nebraska’s skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities.” 

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Autism Action Partnership and Zoo Offer Sensory Mobile App Experience


Autism Action Partnership (AAP) and Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium have launched a free all-inclusive mobile app experience, Omaha Zoo 4 All, to help prepare, engage and inspire visitors with autism or sensory needs, as well as their families.

According to Justin Dougherty, Executive Director of AAP, the app supports individuals in the autism community or those with sensory sensitivities in enjoying their zoo visit.

“The app allows for families to plan their visit—including what to avoid—and identifies Quiet Zones where they can find some respite if they or a loved one becomes overwhelmed and/or overstimulated,” Dougherty said.

Autism Action Partnership first met with zoo officials in March 2019 to suggest partnering on the project. Dougherty said he hadn’t realized the zoo had already been considering creating a sensory friendly app and officials were eager to collaborate. A survey to the autism community received over 300 responses that were used to help craft the app. The pandemic delayed the launch of the app until 2021, when it received a welcome reception from zoo visitors and their families.

“The big picture is at that this app serves as a welcome sign from the zoo to the autism community and will help to advance the inclusivity of our community,” Dougherty said. “The zoo is the number-one paid attraction in our state and one of the best in the world. We are confident that others will follow their lead and become more inclusive in their business practices.”

According to Dougherty, sensory sensitivity is commonly experienced by a wide range of individuals with and without a formal diagnosis. He said the app will also be helpful for people who experience anxiety, post-traumatic stress syndrome and other mental health conditions, as well as those visiting the zoo with loved ones who have sensory sensitivities.

“Family members of individuals with sensory sensitivities are often limited in their activities out of respect for their loved ones, “Dougherty said. “The app will allow them to enjoy the zoo, because their child or sibling is now able to enjoy the zoo.”

Using technology to promote an inclusive experience and bring members of the community together is a win-win, according to Dougherty.

“All members of the zoo staff and all visitors will benefit by sharing their lived experience with the autism community and by the autism community sharing their lied experience with them. When our community is stronger—and more inclusive—all members benefit.”

YOU can be a Health Hero!

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Many of us know someone impacted by a life-altering health diagnosis. You can give them the hope and support they need by making a gift on or before February 24, #HealthHeroGivingDay.

Your donation helps Nebraskans impacted by a health diagnosis, like Kristi, who was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy in 1995. As Kristi describes, the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Nebraska—one of CHAD’s 21 member charities—has provided support to her and her family throughout the years.

MDA offers us a place to see all major appointments at one time, letting us see a neurologist, PT and OT all at one time. They have helped replace equipment on my wheelchair and offered a support group to attend, which is a way to connect with others who are fighting the same battle. Right now, MDA focuses a lot on research, which in the long run will be a blessing for everyone and generations to come. MDA also supplies a loan closet that allows us to borrow equipment we may need without having to hurry to purchase an item.

Please donate on 2/24 to give Nebraskans like Kristi the support they need!

Special thanks to our heroic #HealthHeroGivingDay sponsors Physicians Mutual, Great Western Bank, Hancock Dana, Lindsay Corporation and KETV!

#HealthHeroGivingDay is proudly supported by CHAD and United Way of the Midlands.

Celebrating Campaigns: Company Spotlight

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It’s campaign time and our statewide staff is busy managing workplace campaigns across Nebraska, both online and in person. Thanks so much to these companies who have kicked off, plan to kick off or completed campaigns. Whether you give through our United Way-partnership campaigns in Omaha or Lincoln or through our independent campaigns across the state, you make a difference for our 21 member charities and those we serve.

Fremont Area Association of Retired School Personnel
Loup River Public Power
Blair Community Schools
Northwest Public Schools
The Buckle

Currently running: 
Jelinek Ace Hardware
Almquist Maltzahn Galloway & Luth 
CCC both Grand Island and Hastings 
City of Kearney 
City of Grand Island

Kicking off soon:
Home Federal Bank 
Five Points Bank 
Equitable Bank 
Essential Personnel Inc
City of Columbus
Lakeview Community Schools
Methodist Fremont Health
Fremont Public Schools
Franciscan Care Services
City of Norfolk
Northeast Community College
Nebraska City Utilities
Freeman Public Schools
Wayne State College

Navigating Covid-19 with Risk Factors


Ashlee Ernst, a Lincoln native and Type 1 diabetic for 15 of her 25 years, wasn’t worried about how Covid-19 would affect her T1D. She was more concerned about how severe her symptoms would be. 

Living in Denver, working as a nurse in the pediatric clinic at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes and being immune compromised, Ashlee had several factors that put her at risk for virus severity. Nevertheless, she said she saw Covid-19 as a “luck of the draw.” 

In March, when she developed mild headaches, then sinus pressure, then congestion, she thought she just had a mild cold. 

“Then a friend called me. We had been in close contact at a wedding on March 14, before the restrictions. They had tested positive for Covid-19 and their family had tested positive.” 

Without the typical symptoms, Ashlee was now in self-quarantine. She called her provider who ordered a test.

“I had no fever or cough,” she said. “But I would get exhausted and out of breath after walking up the stairs. I was tested on Monday, got the results on Tuesday, and my symptoms were gone Wednesday.” 

Even without symptoms, she could pass on the disease to co-workers, patients, her roommates and family, so Ashlee self-quarantined. She was released from isolation seven days after her first symptoms, or three days after her last symptoms. But she was still concerned, so she quarantined another week just to be sure.

Ashlee said she dealt with the quarantine pretty well. Her friends and family brought groceries and she was able to get her insulin prescription by mail. While Denver offers some services that may not be available in rural areas of Nebraska, Ashlee offered universal advice: constant contact with your healthcare provider.

 “Use MyChart (an online portal many doctors use to communicate with their patients) and phone and talk to your medical team,” Ashlee said. Most importantly, she added, “the best thing you can do to care for other people is to stay away from them.” 

Solid advice no matter who you are and where you live.


COVID-19 Resources