As you know, individuals of all ages across the state experience a brain injury including TBI, concussions, strokes, anoxia, aneurysms, infections and more are still too often, unseen, unheard and definitely underserved. The individuals that BIA-NE is currently working with through Resource Facilitation are only a fraction of the total number of our huge, growing diverse population living with long-term effects of an injury to the brain.
Guest Blog: The Impact Alzheimer's Disease has on the African American Population
During Black History Month, I’d like to recognize the impact Alzheimer’s disease has on the African American population. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are currently more than 5 million Americans living with the disease, and it’s the sixth-leading cause of death in the U.S. It is also disproportionately impacting the African American community, as older African Americans are twice as likely as older white Americans to develop the disease.
How To: A Guide to Dealing with the Loss of Your Spouse
Your spouse is your lover, best friend, confidant, and shoulder to lean on, and now that they have passed away, you are left wondering which way to turn next. While there isn’t a set of rules to get you through this time, there are several tips to make the journey a little easier as you navigate this new world.