Nebraska Hospice & Palliative Care Association Supports Veterans

Fred's father was a veteran, and after the two reunited with help from a hospice nurse, they were able to have a ceremony honoring his father's military service. Read more here.

Fred's father was a veteran, and after the two reunited with help from a hospice nurse, they were able to have a ceremony honoring his father's military service. Read more here.

One out of four dying Americans is a veteran. Because of dollars given to Nebraska Hospice and Palliative Care Association (NHPCA) through Community Heath Charities of Nebraska, these veterans and their families have the best care possible when facing end-of-life issues. Learn more about these vital end-of-life services.

What kind of programs do you offer to help support veterans and their families?
Veterans and their families can use resources and services made available by the Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership. The mission of this partnership is to establish an enduring network of hospice and VA professionals, volunteers and other interested organizations working together to provide quality services through the end of life for all of our area's veterans and their caregivers.

The Partnership works to provide information to veterans and their families and connect veterans with hospice and palliative care services they may be eligible for. The Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership also provides resources and education to hospice providers on the special needs and benefits available to veterans. The Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership provides three in-person and video-conference meetings each year to provide education and discuss the unique needs of people utilizing VA and hospice services. In addition, NHPCA hosts the Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership Annual Workshop and Meeting, where attendees receive training on a variety of veteran-related topics, such as caring for veterans at the end of life, using elements of both curative and palliative care and serving the grieving family of a veteran.

Why is this programming important to the clients you serve?
One out of four dying Americans is a veteran. Hospices across Nebraska participate in pinning ceremonies to thank veterans for their service. Because veterans make up a large portion of the people under the care of our members in hospice and palliative care, training and resources given to our members and attendees help prepare them to give veterans in our state the quality care they deserve.

How did this program start?
The Nebraska Hospice-Veteran Partnership was launched in 2005 as a collaboration between NHPCA, VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, Nebraska State Veterans’ Homes, and dozens of other organizations working to ensure Nebraska’s veterans near the end of life receive the best care possible. This partnership joins the national Hospice-Veteran Partnership initiative, We Honor Veterans, a collaboration of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

What is the impact of this program across the state?
Online resources and information are available on the NHPCA website, for both the general public and health care providers. Training from the annual workshop and meetings is applicable to all hospice providers in Nebraska. The other three meetings are held via video conference so providers across the state can participate without traveling. It is an opportunity for all hospices in Nebraska to be educated about the specific needs of veterans and an opportunity to provide a special thank you for the service each veteran and their family provided.

How do donors to CHC-NE help support this program?
Funds received from CHC-NE donors help bring in excellent speakers for the annual workshop, subsidizes registration fees and aids the cost of providing special lapel pins for the HVP pinning ceremonies.