Olivia’s Story
In early June 2015, I was diagnosed with IBD at Children’s Hospital after losing 40 pounds and being sick for over a month. I was constantly exhausted, dehydrated, and anemic. I was in the hospital for a week with an amazing care team. I started biologic medication infusions and after a few short months, I had built up an immunity to the medication. Next, we tried mercaptopurine, which gave me pancreatitis. We then tried methotrexate, which gave me migraines. In September 2017, I started a new biologic medication, injected every other week. This has been the most successful treatment method for me. Through all these medication changes, I have had joint pain, liver problems and weight gain from steroids.
During the Summer of 2018, I decided that it was time to switch to an adult doctor. I had a recommendation from my primary care doctor to try one of the local specialty clinics. My first appointment was great and I was excited to start with a new doctor. Fast forward to November 2018, and I had my first flare since my diagnosis. I got drastically worse in just a few days and went to the ER. I was completely inflamed and was admitted to the hospital the week of Thanksgiving and my 21st birthday. I started taking my biologic medication every week. Just a few months ago, we found out that I had built up an immunity to my second biologic medication. Now, I started going to a new doctor whom I love, and I just started my maintenance doses of a third biologic medication. I’m starting to have issues with food, so I’m trying to figure out what I can and can’t eat. My ulcerative colitis has been, and still is, an ongoing and rocky journey.