What is Community Health Charities of Nebraska?
Community Health Charities of Nebraska, CHC-NE, was founded by five health charities as CHAD (Combined Health Agencies Drive) in 1972 to conduct workplace fundraising in Omaha. The group expanded to Lincoln and Grand Island in later years, and now conducts workplace payroll deduction campaigns across the state. In two locations (Omaha Metro and Lincoln), we are fundraising partners with the United Way. In other cities, we campaign independently. The statewide federation represents Nebraska’s top 22 health charities (state affiliates of national health organizations) to raise charitable contributions in the workplace. The organization has more than 40 years of history in working with giving campaigns. Employee designations support disease prevention, research, patient services and outreach in communities across the state, bettering the lives of all Nebraskans. To learn more about implementing a workplace campaign and how it can benefit your company, click here.
What are the accountability standards of Community Health Charities’ member charities?
Community Health Charities of Nebraska and its member charities have standards ensuring the highest level of charitable efficiency, ethics and public accountability. Moreover, each charity must meet the criteria mandated by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management for inclusion in the Combined Federal Campaign (for federal employees). The accountability standards include the following: each charity must undergo an annual application and review process; be a 501(c) 3, non-profit organization as certified by the IRS; have an annual audit conducted in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standards of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; have an active, voluntary board of directors; have fundraising and administrative costs that are at or below industry standards; and meet other specified requirements.
In addition, our national organization, Community Health Charities, is a member of the Better Business Bureau. Community Health Charities also retains a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the only source in America that provides in-depth, objective analysis of the financial health of more than 1,700 of America’s largest charities. These standards ensure that employee contributions are used properly to help others.
What are your overhead costs?
Community Health Charities of Nebraska is proud that statewide overhead costs are low. Based on the total dollars raised in all campaigns (including designated funds), our administrative costs are only 7.9%. These are figured on calculations reported on the IRS Form 990.
What is the role and value of a charitable federation?
“One-stop shopping” is provided for companies, enhancing campaign efficiency and effectiveness. A federation ensures that employees are offered charitable giving choices that meet the highest accountability standards. Federations also simplify and reduce payroll deduction processing costs, while providing accurate and timely reports to member charities from multiple campaigns, reducing the number of individual financial transactions. Charities appreciate the cost efficiency of receiving one check from many employer campaigns. To learn more about the value of a federation, click here.
How are donations distributed?
Community Health Charities of Nebraska makes quarterly distribution payments to all member charities, as fundraising campaigns are conducted year-round across the state. Full member charities received 100 percent of all designated dollars; associate member charities are assessed an administrative fee. Undesignated contributions are given to full member charities after expenses in the same percentage as their designated dollars. Associate members receive designated funds only.