Alexis' Story
Since their daughter Alexis was the victim of abusive head trauma at daycare in 2008, Brandon and Tiffany Verzal have been tireless advocates for brain injury awareness, the importance of rehabilitation and child abuse prevention.
Alexis' assault occurred at 14 months old and was followed by seven years and thousands of hours of intense, specialized therapy. Her recovery has gone significantly beyond anything doctors ever imagined, but severe deficits remain that will impact her for the rest of her life.
Tiffany has spoken to dozens of classes and civic groups across the region about both brain injury and child abuse awareness. Brandon is President of the Nebraska Child Abuse Prevention Fund Board, a Governor-appointed position.
Brandon and Tiffany Verzal, co-owners of V2 Content, a video production company in Lincoln, donate time to promote the messages of the Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska and the Nebraska Concussion Coalition.
Their 2012 documentary "Forever Shaken" is used around the world to educate parents and caregivers about Shaken Baby Syndrome. Through the efforts and advocacy of the Verzals, Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital in Lincoln created a specialty wing for children’s services. The Alexis Verzal Children's Rehabilitation Unit at Madonna's Lincoln Campus is accredited as a Pediatric Specialty Program in areas of comprehensive inpatient hospital, brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke and comprehensive outpatient programs.